
Student Withdrawals And Treatment Of Title IV Aid

Treatment of Title IV Funds When a Student Withdraws

The Return of Title IV Funds procedure shall apply to all students who withdraw, drop out, 或被澳门金沙棋牌游戏(WCC)非自愿除名,并获得第四章基金的经济援助. “第四章基金”是指根据1965年《澳门金沙游戏中心》(经修订)授权的联邦财政援助项目,包括WCC的以下项目:

  • Federal Pell Grants
  • Federal SEOG
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants

在完成超过60%的注册学期之前辍学或退学的学生,将根据完成学期的百分比重新计算其援助资格. For example, 如果一个学生只完成了30%的学期就退学了,那么他就只能“挣”到第四章规定的30%的助学金. The remaining 70% must be returned by the school and/or the student. WCC encourages you to read this procedure carefully. 如果你正在考虑退出所有课程,你应该联系世界基督教会助学金 & 退伍军人服务办公室,看看你的退出将如何影响你的经济援助. It can negatively affect your overall academic progress, AND it may create a debt to WCC, the Department of Education, or both that you are responsible for paying! Once you have completed more than 60% of the enrollment term, you earn all assistance that you were scheduled to receive for that period. 如果你在一个模块或多个模块中完成并获得学分,并且在支付期内的天数达到49%或更多,或者完成课程作业并获得等于或大于6个学分,你也可以免税.

Withdrawal Date

As WCC is an institution that requires attendance keeping for all courses, 一个学生的退课日期是上课的最后一天,无论退课是正式的还是非正式的.

Refunds due on all institutional charges, including tuition and fees, 将使用WCC目录中公布的国家退款程序来计算吗.

Calculating the Return of Title IV Aid


Title IV aid is earned in a prorated manner on a per-day basis. 获得第四章助学金的百分比是通过将学生完成的天数除以学期/学期的总天数来计算的, less any applicable breaks. 完成学期的百分比应是学生获得的第四章援助的百分比. 如果你退出或停止参加所有课程的60%或之前的期间, WCC要求退还您未获得的联邦财政援助的任何部分. 从学校退回的不劳不获的助学金将在学校确定你已退学之日起45天内退还给教育部.

一个学期的总日历天数不包括任何超过五天的计划休息. For purposes of the 49% calculation, 你取一个学期的总日历天数,并排除模块之间的任何休息时间,以确定学生是否完成了学期的50%.


As a result of this calculation, 在您退出WCC时,联邦基金可能无法支付所有未付的学费. 任何由世界基督教协进会所产生的债务,将你的部分援助归还给联邦计划,都是到期的,由你来支付. 未偿还的WCC债务将使您无法收到正式的成绩单,也无法在WCC注册更多的课程,直到债务全部付清.

如果您没有收到您所赚取的所有资金,您可能会收到提款后的付款. WCC将自动使用您的全部或部分提取后支付的助学金资金作为学费, fees, and other institutional charges. 我们需要您的许可才能使用提款后的补助金支付所有额外的学费. If you do not give your permission, you will be offered the funds. However, 允许WCC保留这笔资金以减少你在学校的债务可能对你最有利. 您的任何款项将在完成返回标题IV计算后的14天内退还给您.

Returning Funds to the Department of Education


  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal SEOG
  • Other Title IV grant programs

任何数额的未赚得的资助资金,你必须归还被称为超额付款. 如果补助金多支付的原始金额为$50或以下,则您不必偿还补助金. 您必须与学校或教育部作出安排,退还未获得的助学金资金. 未能偿还在WCC通过返回标题IV计算创建的余额可能导致持有被放置在您的帐户上, 阻止你注册课程或获得正式的大学成绩单. If you owe an overpayment to the Department of Education, 未能解决超额支付将导致所有机构拒绝联邦学生援助,直到解决. 在大多数情况下,欠教育部的多付款项可以在WCC支付.

Unofficial Withdrawal Procedure for Federal Student Aid


As a student, 当你在学期内停止参加所有课程14个日历日而没有按照官方程序退课时, your aid could also be processed as a Return to Title IV aid. 如果你超过14天没有参加,教官将联系你,以确认你是否计划返回. If you do not intend to return or do not return as planned, the instructor will have you withdrawn from the class. If you do not have any remaining courses you are attending, a Return of Title IV funds will be processed. The withdrawal date used is the last day of attendance.

未能完成课程也可能严重影响你的经济援助状况. When you fail to earn any credit for a semester, you may be defined as “unofficially withdrawn” for Title IV purposes. At the end of each term, if you have not earned at least one credit, 经济援助和退伍军人服务办公室将审查您的最后出席日期的记录. If you did not attend through the end of the semester, 标题IV的返回计算将使用记录出勤的最后一天完成. As an “unofficially withdrawn” student, 你将被收取相应的机构费用和偿还联邦学生援助.
